Diesel Generators in Egypt | مولدات ديزل في مصر

طاقة موثوقة تؤمن استمرارية الأعماللضمان استمرارية تشغيل كافة المعدات وتفاديأ للأعطال التي ادت سابقا الى انقطاع متكرر للأعمال، قام أحد أكبر مصانع الزجاج في مصر 🇪🇬باستبدال منظومة الطاقة الموجودة لديه بمنظومة جديدة تتكون من اثنين مجموعات توليد من جيمن باور بقوة 500ك. ف. أ. للوحدة.مجموعات التوليد مجهزة بمحركات بيركينز 2506A-E15TAG2ورؤوس التوليد لوري سومير LSA50.2M6 مع…

Lifespan of a Diesel Generator

When considering investments in backup power systems, it’s crucial to factor in the lifespan of a generator. Diesel generators offer numerous advantages, prompting a majority of industrial businesses to opt for procurement from suppliers like Jimen Power Generators in Sharjah. Lifespan of Diesel Generators The longevity of a diesel generator hinges largely on two key…

Jimen Power Delivers Cutting-Edge Cummins Generators for Landmark Project in UAE, Abu Dhabi

Introduction In the heart of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the thriving metropolis of Abu Dhabi is undergoing significant growth and development. As the city continues to expand and evolve, a reliable source of power becomes imperative for both residential and industrial sectors. Jimen Power, a prominent player in the diesel power generation industry, stands…

The Premier Perkins Generators Supplier in UAE

Introduction: In the dynamic landscape of power generation, the role of reliable and high-performance generators cannot be understated. For businesses, industries, and even residential properties in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a steady and uninterrupted power supply is crucial. In this context, Jimen Power emerges as a standout player, renowned for its exceptional offerings in…